Sardines & Chorizos in Tomato Sauce with Pappardelle


The base for this very simple recipe is our dead simple pasta sauce. At the end of the recipe it says: ‘add any seafood, meat, meatballs, chicken or sausages at this time. It’s usually a good idea to add the protein early in the process so that it cooks in the sauce and absorbs its flavours. This recipe, however, is designed to use protein that is cooked. I often use Luv-a-duck Confit which is not a good fit for a pasta sauce, but sardines are as long as they’re not the usual soggy ones you find in most tins.

I tried this recipe several times with fresh or frozen sardines, and each time they turned out too strong and gamy in flavour. Then I came across these terrific Sole Mare Sardines in cans, which I buy at Woolworth’s or Coles, where they’re often on special for about $2.

They’re plump, firm and super tasty. Just drain them and drop them into the hot sauce for a few minutes until they’re warmed through. there are lots of chorizos on offer these days, and I’ve found DON chorizos the tastiest and a good match for the sardines, but there are other choices such as Primo and some artisan brands.

Here is what the dish looks like, and you can see why it’s a good idea to add some fresh green things like parsley or shallots or chives. It all starts with presentation, ja?

Bon appetit – for the sauce recipe, please go here: dead simple pasta sauce